Sunday, January 3, 2010

Joy In Giving - By Ren Rutledge

Have you ever experienced the joy that comes when you give unto others. When we give from our hearts in an effort to help somebody requiring nothing in return we discover joy that is difficult to explain to those who have never had the experience.

Life is filled with problems, and sometimes it seems like we are all living under Murphy's law. (Anything that can go wrong will go wrong...) I'm sure you know what I mean. There is probably not a person on the face of this planet who is not having some type of problem today.

Sometimes when we search for answers we may be overlooking the fact that the greatest answer to our need is right where we stand.

Almost every day I meet people who are living under a cloud and carrying a load of guilt and shame about something that has happened in the past. Some folks have become so sad about life in general that they seemingly cannot smile or be friendly. Have you ever met anybody like that?

If you are trying to find some joy and happiness in your life please let me tell you, it is within reach of you today. Do you have any good thing, or can you say or do anything positive? There is much joy available for you right now if you can only see it. Give somebody something good, or just do something positive for somebody. Even if they are grumpy and difficult to get along with take charge and be an example of spreading some cheer. Give out compliments about the nice car they drive, or the way they keep the lawn looking so good. Say something nice about their family, take them out to dinner and pay for the meal. There are thousands of things that can be done resulting in joy for your life and theirs. Darkness goes away when the light shines.

You may be amazed to discover how good it feels just to bring happiness to another person. If you expect to be joyful and happy you must be sincere and give unto others from your heart. Try it. I promise it works.

I am not an expert on this, and I have not learned this from books or professionals, but the experience of finding joy as a result of giving unto others over and over has convinced me that the answer for great joy is wrapped up in the act of giving unto others from a sincere heart.

You can make a difference in the atmosphere around you just by smiling regardless of how you feel or what you may be going through. Giving a real smile to people in your pathway can change darkness into light, and change a bad day to a wonderful day. There are smiles in my own life that I can remember from years ago. Even when I was a child I can recall special moments right now when I felt rejected and unhappy and a person smiled at me and said a few words that I will never forget.

People are fragile, and regardless of how tough some folks may seem to be, we often find that underneath all the tough words and actions there is often a soft heart waiting to be discovered by a caring and giving person.

There are many examples and instructions in the Bible concerning joy in giving. The ultimate example can be found on the old rugged cross.

What a sad day it must have been for everybody in the crowd when Jesus Christ was being beaton, falsly accused and murdered by an angry mob. As the hate filled cursing crowd was killing our Lord, and as the followers of Jesus were sadly hiding in the shadows, a loving God was giving of himself the best that he had because he loved all the people in that crowd. The Word of God explains that Jesus endured the cross even though he despised the shame for the joy that was set before him.

Remember these words? "Father forgive them for they know not what they do..." These words coming from a hurting bleeding man on a cross were more than just words in a book. Those words brought hope to the hopeless, help for the helpless, life for those who were facing death, and healing for those who were hurting on that day and in future generations. Just before Jesus died he spoke words of comfort and love, and we are still finding joy and happiness two thousand years later as we remind one another about it.

We are instructed by the one who gave his life, that we should also deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow him. We all have a cross to carry, and sometimes the cross seems very heavy, and we may feel that we cannot take any more. Hold on just a little while longer. Just take a few more steps, and it will all be over. Remember the joy will come as you endure until the end with your giving. When it is all finished you will find that weeping may have endured for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Have you ever noticed how Christmas time can be a very happy time even when the weather is bad, and you are feeling bad, and when people have lost their jobs, and things are not going so well? There is joy in the atmosphere at Christmas time, because people are giving to one another. Everybody needs a Santa Claus everyday and not just a Christmas time. The only real Santa they may ever find may be you.

Have you ever sent a card to a person that you do not know to express your appreciation for a good deed or perhaps something you read in the paper about that individual? Sometimes we may think about it, but thinking about it does not bring the joy. Doing something from the heart for another person is a key to happiness and joy even when you are having a bad day.

A little note with words of cheer handed to a person as you smile can change that individual for a lifetime. Even if you see no change in the person you handed the note to, you will soon discover that you are the one who has been changed as you continue to go forward with a spring in your heels and a smile on your face giving to others as you go.

If these words are a help to you, please pass them on to a friend. We all can use some words of comfort in the world today.

Here are links to some recent blogs that may also be a help to you.





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